Thursday, January 2, 2020

NWA Powerrr - Episode 8

The episode started with Joe Galli making announcements about the upcoming pay per view and recapping what has happened in NWA Powerrr so far. The episode was recut because of the Jim Cornette's resignation.

Galli aired a promo that Eli Drake did about Nick Aldis and Mr. Anderson while at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood.

There was a cool video package that discussed Thunder Rosa and her first MMA fight called Thunder Rosa "Into the Cage." There was a cool training montage. Interestingly enough she trained with face paint on (and even commented on it).  I really liked seeing the real person behind the wrestler. She's worked with mentally challenged folk and with troubled teens at a place called Thunder Row (which is where I assume her name comes from). She became a wrestler to get out the frustration of not being able to change things in her work situation. I think this is an interesting way to process things and really adds to her as an athlete. The documentary then followed up with the day of the bout. While she lost her match and was emotional, she lasted three rounds.

There was another commercial for

The one match of the night was an empty arena match featuring Question Mark (with Aron Stevens in his corner) and Zane Dawson (with Dave Dawson). The match was a lot of fun. It was short, but I love the Question Mark! Because the masked man one the match, the Dawsons had to recite some Shakespeare. At first they were goofy. Then they really got into it. Aron Rogers pulled out a trash can and pretended to throw up.

Galli did a short interview with Melina and her return. The bulk of the interview was Melina's contributions to women's wrestling and how she's not been acknowledged for it. She talked negatively about Allyson Kay and bullying, but she's aligned with Thunder Rosa and Marti Belle, which makes that a bit ironic.

Billy Corigan spoke about NWA's new talent show Into the Squared Circle.

While I liked the Thunder Rosa segments, I was disappointed that this was basically a recap show. The empty arena match was a blast though.

Check out episode 8 for yourself:

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